As a boy goes
into the wilderness of his thoughts -
Listen! the choice is between good and good
or worst and worst!
Voices shouting - Lose, Hope, Despair, Beauty, blah blah blah!
The extremes of everything
pulling the soul towards themselves
tearing it apart.
So he believes as if the dawn
of darkness is here.
The soul rows from Past to the nearby Future,
escaping reality - he doesn't realise.
Shooting stars get hidden behind the bushes.
All control lost in the festival of loneliness.
He, however, isn't all broken.
Some shattered pieces he tries to pick up.
He'd do the best he can
for he won't return entangled.
Speeding up at being calm,
the man returns to the Present
with all his might and love
and starts a new day.
he's filled with motherly wisdom.
Now that he has learnt how to survive alone,
he can't be pulled down anymore.
Beware, kids, here he comes.
into the wilderness of his thoughts -
Listen! the choice is between good and good
or worst and worst!
Voices shouting - Lose, Hope, Despair, Beauty, blah blah blah!
The extremes of everything
pulling the soul towards themselves
tearing it apart.
So he believes as if the dawn
of darkness is here.
The soul rows from Past to the nearby Future,
escaping reality - he doesn't realise.
Shooting stars get hidden behind the bushes.
All control lost in the festival of loneliness.
He, however, isn't all broken.
Some shattered pieces he tries to pick up.
He'd do the best he can
for he won't return entangled.
Speeding up at being calm,
the man returns to the Present
with all his might and love
and starts a new day.
he's filled with motherly wisdom.
Now that he has learnt how to survive alone,
he can't be pulled down anymore.
Beware, kids, here he comes.