
Stay Cool

If "Plan A" Didn't Work. The alphabet has 25 more letters ! Stay Cool. It's gonna be awesome.

The Portrait in Pink

Monday, 19 September 2016

I see her portrait-
Submerged in beauty and love;
He painted her in Pink.
What a beautiful little dove!

The blue sea resides in her eyes
and cloudy are her hair.
Every artist wants a glance 
they trust, it isn't elsewhere!

That painter knows his work
is not just an imagination
but the essence of pretty souls
of which universe is a collection.

Cheerful, gentle, voguish ladies!
with glossy skins in vibrant cloth.
Sparkle touch and sugary voice
and honey lips are lilac soft!

Pink depicts her constitution
not for what women fancy
but because his cheeks turned pink
when he felt her luminous mystery!

Love without affair

Saturday, 23 April 2016

They met
he and she, together
for the first time.
She looked up in his eyes -
He smiled.

Days passed.
They became close friends.
She helped him in every way.
He was able to understand her.
She adored him, trusted him.
He made her win, everywhere.
Both felt something for each other.

They grew up.
The girl hoped something -
about their future.
She told him.
Both waited with the time.

Days passed.
And no one knows 
how, one day
they got married !!!
The two friends married ...

That was true love.
he kissed her
on her forehead 
for the first time.